Understand Fashion is a contemporary education in the realms of fashion, design, art, and lifestyle culture, based on various teaching formats.
From free online discussions to hour-long lectures by a single lecturer or intensive courses over several days taught by a team of experts. From live meetings in small groups to remote learning attracting hundreds of participants.
From informative content solely for intellectual pleasure to professional knowledge enhancement necessary for those working in the fashion industry or the arts.
From constantly emerging new disciplines to periodic revisiting of topics that garner the most of your attention.
From courses happening on specific dates to the opportunity to purchase recordings of past remote learning sessions.
So broaden your horizons on the most relevant topics in a convenient way!
Tvarumas ten, tvarumas čia, tvarumas visur. Tvarios kelnės, tvarus šampūnas, tvarus plaktukas. Viskas visur tvaru, bet ne visai tvaru, kartais pusiau tvaru. Tai kas, po velnių, tas tvarumas? Kokias gyvenimo sritis jis paliečia? Kokios yra jo rūšys? Kaip atskirti tikrąjį tvarumą nuo prekybinių manipuliacijų?