Mūsų variklis – tai naujoms žinioms atvira Jūsų bendruomenė, o prioritetas – kokybiško turinio kūrimas. Mes Jums pažadame paskaitas su aukščiausio lygio lektoriais, nuolatos plečiamas temų ribas bei visada įkvepiančią atmosferą.
Evelina Petkevičienė

„Suprasti madą“ – tai kur kas daugiau, nei šiuolaikinė edukacijos platforma. Tai – pažinimo ribas plečianti jungtis, harmoningai suliejanti mados, meno ir gyvenimo būdo kultūros sričių ekspertų Jums perduodamas žinias.
Kokybe paremti praktiniai mokymai, pažintiniai kursai bei išsamūs paskaitų ciklai čia išpildo intelektualiosios informacijos nišą, #since2018 visiems struktūruotai prieinamą vienoje unikalaus formato akademijoje.
Pasitelkdami profesionalų patirtį, dalinamės naudingomis žiniomis, auginame kompetencijas, prasmingai leidžiame laisvalaikį. Kuriame sąmoningą plačiai besidominčių entuziastų bei intelektualų bendruomenę. Bendruomenę, prie kurios kviečiame prisijungti ir Jus!
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Lithuanian Pavilion Opens at the Venice Contemporary Art Biennale
On Friday, April 19, the Lithuanian National Museum of Art (LNMA) is inaugurating the Lithuanian National Pavilion at the 60th Venice Contemporary Art Biennale. The exhibition titled "Inflammation," by the internationally acclaimed artist duo Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda, known as "Pakui Hardware," along with renowned painter Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė (1933–2007), will be presented to a global audience.
Success Strategy: 100% Sincerity
Giedrimas Tumėnas, a lover of gemstones and jewelry and founder of the brand "Août," has dedicated his life to this industry and amassed extensive knowledge about precious stones. From his early career selling silver jewelry in small Lithuanian towns to working with the world's rarest investment diamonds and gems, and selling them to the world's elite at leading jewelry houses such as Tiffany & Co., Chopard, Graff, and Moussaieff, his journey is remarkable.
Copenhagen Fashion Week 2024
Copenhagen is renowned as a leader in sustainable fashion, and its fashion week consistently incorporates themes of sustainability and responsible design. Designers frequently emphasize not only style but also the environmental impact of the production process and the sources of the materials used. For the third consecutive season, all participating brands are required to adhere to 18 minimum responsibility standards, including avoiding single-use plastics and ensuring that at least 50% of their collections are made from certified recycled or repurposed materials.
Civilization, economic and social systems pass on chronic ailments from generation to generation, while humanity destroys itself. This is the theme explored in the exhibition by the creative duo "Pakui Hardware," composed of Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda, serving as an introduction to Lithuania's upcoming presentation at the Venice Biennale.