Understanding Fashion is much more than a modern educational platform. It is a connection that expands the boundaries of knowledge, harmoniously merging expertise in the fields of fashion, art, and lifestyle culture.
Quality-based practical training, cognitive courses, and comprehensive lecture cycles fulfill the niche of intellectual information, available to everyone in a structured way #since2018 in an academy of a unique format.
With the help of professional experience, we share useful knowledge, develop competencies, and spend our leisure time meaningfully. We are creating a conscious community of widely interested enthusiasts and intellectuals. A community that we invite you to join!
Utilizing our own experience and that of other industry professionals, we share knowledge, develop competencies, and together create a conscious community of fashion, art, and culture enthusiasts.
We aim to become the main center of intellectual education in Lithuania and a recognized non-formal education school for those who want to better understand fashion, art, culture, and experience the French Art de vivre.
Using our own experience and that of other industry professionals, we share knowledge, develop competencies, and together create a conscious community of fashion, art, and culture enthusiasts.
We aim to become the main center of intellectual education in Lithuania and a recognized non-formal education school for those who want to better understand fashion, art, culture, and experience the French art de vivre.
I’m Evelina, an owner of Understanding Fashion since 2023. Expressing a big THANK YOU for the effort, I took over this project from its founder, Arnoldas Remeika.
The concept of Understanding Fashion is my alter ego: both in its form and the value it carries. I’ve been living with this project since its inception, but it was a long journey to hold the platform in my hands until the crucial turning point. I continuously accumulated knowledge about marketing, gained experience working in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brand industries, and my work in China allowed me to feel the pulse of markets, their differences and similarities, engage in analytical thinking, and nurture creativity. Today, I aim to leverage my acquired competencies by developing the educational “Understanding Fashion” project.
With our team, we have defined a mission: to share knowledge, cultivate professionalism, and create a conscious community of fashion, design, and culture enthusiasts. We aim to be modern, sustainable, transparent, and open. Additionally, I have an internal mission – to help people living in smaller towns or lacking financial means to access intellectual information or acquire financial education. For this reason, I intend to allocate scholarships for courses.
In the Understanding Fashion project, I do not aim for quantity of teachings. My focus is on their quality and the goal of nurturing an improvement-oriented community, where projects are born, collaboration arises, and friendships are woven.
Evelina Petkevičienė
In 2016, fashion specialist and communication professional Arnoldas Remeika launched his blog Bomberis, educating readers about fashion and the intricacies of the industry.
In 2018, the blog evolved, and Arnoldas Remeika founded an educational platform dedicated to fashion and style called Understanding Fashion.
From 2018 to 2022, dozens of experienced experts and thousands of students expanded the scope of topics covered. Understanding Fashion became a leader in lectures on fashion, art, and lifestyle culture in Lithuania.
In 2020, Understanding Fashion joined the project Cultural Passport initiated by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. Knowledge was shared with Lithuanian schools and gymnasiums.
In 2023, marketing expert and industry expert in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle Evelina Petkevičienė took over the project Understanding Fashion from its founder Arnoldas Remeika. Inspired by the French Art de vivre lifestyle, a new #understandingfashion movement is forming: educational boundaries are erased, the scope of topics expands, and an even more diverse team of lecturers gathers.